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Calming Sleep Support Drops
For supporting calm mood and healthy sleep. ‡
‡ These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Available to patients only.
2 fluid ounces
Dosage: Take 3-20 drops 1-2 times a day.
INGREDIENTS: Energetic Essences of Passiflora 3x & D2, Ignatia 5x & 8x, Coffea crud. 10x, Jalapa 8x, Tellurium 10x, Phos acid. 3x &14x, Palladium 10x, Magnesium 10x; Peumus, Passiflora, Valeriana, Crataegus, Chamomilla, Coffea crud. all at D4; Alum met D12; Avena D1, Valeriana D1, Escholtzia, Humulus, all at D2, Zincum valer. D6, Ignatia D6, Citrus lim. 1x, Coculus 5x, Helonias 5x, Sepia 6x, zinc met 6x.
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